Typical day on WeightWatchers

So far I have been paying attention to portion sizes, and not trying to cut down quantities, really, but cutting out a few small things here and there (like candy, pretty much entirely.

According to the suggested POINTS goal, I’m doing well and coming in under the suggested amount. One day was well under the daily (41 points), and the other day was over the daily amount, but uses less than 1/7th of the weekly overflow (35 extra/week).

Here are two typical days of POINTS values.
2 Typical days of WW points

Exercise and food

First day of exercising in the morning. Nothing too exciting… this morning’s workout took roughly 10 minutes and consisted of: 3 stretches, 4 mini-crunches, 5 leg lifts, 3 mini-push-ups, jogging in place for 160(x2) steps, and 7 jumping jacks.

This was “Level 2” on the fitness scale (see previous post for link to _The Hacker’s Diet_ chapter: “What, Me Exercise?”). It was pretty easy to complete, but I spent the next half-hour coughing up something from my chest, so I’m perfectly willing to follow Walker’s advice and stay at this “level” for a week before turning it up a notch.

The only exercise that was a bit awkward was what he called “Leg Lifts (Introductory)” – lying on your stomach, lift your head and left leg, smoothly lower both, then lift your head and right leg and lower. It’s not uncomfortable enough to make me stop doing them, though.

Food: Yesterday I tracked what I ate on WW, not trying to modify my eating but just tracking. Even with McDonald’s breakfast it came out to 38.5 POINTS! out of a possible 41. So, either something is really wrong with my POINTS!! total or else I’m doing mostly OK and just need to moderate my portion sizes a bit. (I love it how it’s always POINTS in the WW material, like they think they have a servicemark on the word. :)

Health check-in

It’s January, and I’m a little late for “resolutions”, but I’d like to go through part of the exercise anyway. That is, I want to take the opportunity to examine myself and decide what I would like to change about myself. Whether I follow through and end up in a better place next year is not yet certain, but at least I’ll have a record.
My weight and general fitness

Darwin countered by Newton

Just saw this link courtesy of cuddlycthulhu: Top 100 Most Ridiculous Quotes Found On Creationist/Fundamentalist Chatboards

I especially like #2 on the list, attributed to “awesomestnerd” on “SmashBoards”:
One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn’t possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it.

I have no words.

Jungle Cats, round 1

Today’s project was to trap a feral cat and deliver her to the local shelter for spay (or possibly neuter, not sure).

We usually feed the ferals at 10-12 at night, so last night we didn’t, and they were still hanging around at 5:50. We put some nice smelly canned food in the trap and it worked like a charm. (It helps that we have been feeding them IN the disarmed trap for 2 weeks or so).

We almost got both kittens in there at once; the second one was right on the heels of the first one and almost got a trap door to the face. The first one freaked the hell out, but calmed down almost immediately after we covered the trap with a blanket. The canned food stayed in the trap with her but I’m willing to bet it’s not touched.

We kept her in the covered trap, in the garage, from 6:15 to 7:30, then I left for the shelter. It turned out to be a 30 min drive to south San Jose. It took about 20 min to drop off, fill out the form, and wait to be called, and another 10 min after that for processing and then I left for work around 8:30. From south San Jose (Tully x Curtner or so) it takes about 90 min to get to work.

I need to get back to the shelter between 5-530 to pick her up. If all goes well she’ll be released to rejoin her fellow Jungle Cats.