I need a decent “to do list” application. For now I’ll post this here.
Sort through pile of papers on desk -
Shred 2006 stuff -
Move 2007 bills and pay stubs to “last year” file -
Do taxes for 2007 - Get and enter final W2 info, file return
- Rollover SGI 401k into Yahoo 401k
- Get blood tested again for iron
- Type up “things to do” for home repair projects
- Spend Lowe’s gift card on home stuff
- File papers in the “to be filed” pile
- File or shred additional papers in desk/hutch
- File timeshare papers
- Find homes for 2 dell desktops and 2 CRT monitors
- Reorganize computer cabinet/shelf area
- File manuals and papers on top of file box
- Put away stuff in “extra/wtf stuff” box
- Work on plan for forgotten realms campaign
- Work on “tarot reading for character background” system
- Replacement battery for Belkin UPS model F6C800
I’m shifting over from Life Balance to Omnifocus, but either might suit you.
I will check those out. I’m also tempted to just use pen/paper for a while, so I won’t be distracted by the technology and start flicking instead of todo-ing
ttys, hope you are well!
I just use a ToDo list with Twiki divided in short term, medium term and long term. And then WikiWords to break up larger tasks. It also makes it easy to move a task up or down in priority. But of course it doesn’t remind me.
The only to do list I found functional and please don’t hate me for this was in Outlook, but I find Outlook unbearable for other reasons.
Thanks for the tip! I will consider that… I’m also strongly considering pen/paper for my “to do” system, at least for now until I get things organized a little better.