Monthly Archives: July 2003

No workout today, but I also did not eat out for dinner, so let’s call it even.

After dinner of asparagus and leftovers, I made some more pickles. I made a double batch this time, one jar for me and one jar for some friends. Better not tell you who just yet… it’s a surprise. Latest pickle recipe

Feeling productive

I’m feeling like I had a productive day today.

Hours slept: 5.3
Minutes early to work: 15
Donuts brought: 24
Donuts consumed: 2
Meetings attended: 3
Meetings postponed: 1
Dentists visited: 1
Cucumbers pickled: 2
Bell peppers pickled: 1
Miles pedaled: 10.1
Calories burned: 500
Grams of ice cream: 140
Calories of ice cream consumed: 350

Weekend Report

Friday: not much going on. Don’t remember what we did for dinner. Hmm. I think we gave the cats their doses of Advantage.

Saturday: Emptied out the trunk of the car, which previously contained 5 12-packs of pepsi, bag of something from Walgreen’s, laptop for my mom, 2 pillows, and empty bottle which previously held pre-diluted radiator fluid. The trunk now contains only 3 sheet sets from Bed Bath and Beyond, a trivet or something, and a video card. We also managed to get most of the crap off the balcony (mostly leaves and dirt, but also a rug, some chicken wire, screws, remains of the window I pushed out to install the AC, and a couple other things I can’t remember.

Also went to the pet store to get flea spray for the house and a couple other things I’m sure we needed but can’t quite remember now. We didn’t actually spray the carpets but we will do so soon.

Sunday: I slept in and forgot we were supposed to go see misty_shadows. We hopped in the car and got to her place like 3 hours late. We took the exercise bike off her hands and she helped us transport it too. Wow! Anyway she and the unicorn joined us for late lunch/early dinner. Misty_shadows liked my asparagus-and-bell-pepper pickles and traveller_blues showed us Chef Tako (see previous entry).

I worked on the vacation plans, now it seems more likely we will go on vacation August 4 and not August 25 like I had told everyone at work. We are planning to go to Vegas and hopefully take a couple friends with us. Does anyone have comments for hotels they liked or didn’t like in Vegas? Currently we are thinking about Luxor (unique, a little fancy) or Excalibur, Mandalay Bay, Aladdin, Hilton (not fancy but reliable), but it’s all pretty open-ended. Comments welcome if you have any faves or warnings :)

Today’s funny and educational link

Ok, my favorite cooking show is still Good Eats. But, if you like Good Eats, and have temporarily run out of episodes, check out Deep Fried Live. The host is an octopus, the show is a cartoon, but the recipes and advice are real. Pretty funny!

If you haven’t seen Good Eats yet, do it! If you like Good Eats, be sure to check out Alton Brown’s own site Alton for some more tips, rants and raves, etc. Worth it for the cool pictures of him if nothing else.

Pickle crazy some more!

Why am I pickle crazy, you ask? Well, I am just all around crazy, but that you know. Mostly it is because I finally found something I can make for myself relatively easily and cheaply and is a non-fat low-calorie snack that I will actually eat.

I took pickles to work last week and had them Thursday, Friday and Monday for lunch (or something like that)… Here is a link to the previous recipe. Those are all gone now. (Note the previous Dill the 4th recipe makes enough for 1 and 1/2 jars :)

Sometime this weekend (either Friday or Sunday, not sure which, probably Friday) I made “Curry Cauliflower Pickles” according to the Good Eats recipe Hurry Curry Cauliflower. I haven’t tasted them yet. Will do so this coming weekend. (Pickled eggs were batch 6. The curry ones are batch 7).

Last night (tues.) I bought asparagus and made one jar of asparagus pickles. These should be ready to consume next week. click for recipe…

Weekend report

A quick review of this week. Went to the vet on Monday, went to Sacramento on Wednesday, gods, it was hot enough to melt my deodorant, had a lot of good meetings with sysadmins, came back on Thursday, and didn’t do much at all on Friday. There.

Friday afternoon, went shopping, had mashed potatoes, brown gravy, and hamburger meat. Sounds strange but it was good… a comfort food.

Saturday, drove up to see M’s family in Healdsburg. Got to see E (cousin J’s new wife) and a tiny baby, might be the youngest baby I’ve seen in real life. Babies are so helpless… I think humans must be unique in surviving so well, compared to how helpless we are as infants. Also damn hot in the North Bay too.

On the way back, stopped off to see J and A and their cats Arthur and Roland. Gave them lots of catnip (homegrown, Lake County, the good stuff). Got home just in time to shift traffic away from SVS5… good thing too, when the blade was replaced, everything in that row crashed over and over. nice. Network took about 2 hours to fix, just in time for me to have some pan-fried ramen (same recipe as before) and go to bed.

Sunday, Mom called me First Thing in the Morning (8:45) to let me know that her powerbook has finally given up the ghost. I guess I need to start looking for a refurbished laptop for her. Either that or take the old Apple 2e she was using 5 years ago back to her… no, that wouldn’t be… no.

Went to Walgreens, though I was distressed to find I had lost the prescription from the vet, I hope it is at work on my desk or I need to get them to write another one, and the last syringe is for tomorrow morning.

Did laundry. Pot pie and egg-salad sandwich for dinner. Pickled eggs aren’t very good for snacking, but it turns out they aren’t very good for egg salad either.

That is all.


After some discussion on today, I added a couple of friends to my list. Just some folks who I thought it would be interesting to keep track of, either because we seem to be of like mind, or because we disagreed but were friendly about it :) The new additions are in the Fuschia category because of connection via the polyamory community.

Stupid Neighbor Tricks, Epilogue

Downstairs neighbor finally moved out! The new tenant says she is renting the place and will buy it as soon as she gets the loan figured out. Excellent!

For those of you new to this journal, downstairs neighbor was a pain in the ass for quite a while, both making noise and also turning around and complaining about me after I had complained about him. Kind of an angry, bitter guy. Oh well, hopefully he will find something or somewhere that makes him happy. Having a new neighbor definitely makes me happy.