Monthly Archives: June 2004

INBOX Event, San Jose, 2-3 June 2004

Here is a quick view of what I have been working on in my spare time :) I have been interested in anti-spam anti-forgery initiatives for quite some time… some of the early writing in this journal is about spam and how we should be fighting it. One of the recent initiatives/proposals to combat forgery is SPF. I have been tracking it and staying active on its list, in addition to keeping up with SPAM-L and also participating in MARID, which is an IETF group checking out anti-forgery efforts with an eye toward publishing an Internet RFC.

Here is a summary of one recent event. Also, due to my persistent, positive presence on the SPF discussion list, and participation in a few in-person meetings, and possibly also due to my strategic Silicon Valley location, I was asked to speak on another panel next week in SF… I will keep everyone posted as to how that goes. /gregc.

The INBOX event took place over two days (I think) and I didn’t go to the whole show, but I attended the two evening sessions that were related to SPF. On the whole it was a *VERY* positive show for us. Here is a description. Continue reading