Monthly Archives: December 2004

Busy week so far, and it’s only half gone


  • Made a list of all the things we want to do for the house. Sorted said list into “sooner” and “later”.
  • Finally put up the plastic light covers under the flourescents in the kitchen.
  • Swept the downstairs.
  • Vacuumed the stairs.
  • Measured the hot water temperature (111F) and turned up the temp on the water heater. (New temp 134F)
  • Made dvds out of Scfi’s Earthsea – let me know if you need a copy.


  • Went shopping for All The Food Evar. Put away like 12 bags of food.
  • Made Pot Roast in the crock pot. Came out great! The only problem was I started late and it was not done until 10:00 pm. I could not tell if searing the outside of the roast made any difference or not… the meat on the edges might have been slightly tastier but I could be imagining things. Next time, just like this but less or no vinegar, possibly substitute some broth.
  • Did like 2 loads of dishes.
  • Painted the unpainted spot where the old stove was. (Old stove was a one-piece oven/range/microwave above thingy, and removing it had left a beige spot that needed to become white)


  • Went to Home Despot and got a new drill, after figuring out that the old drill didn’t work. Got the rechargeable drill, circular saw, light, handheld vac set with two batteries and charger, all for like $129. Also returned the light bulbs, got new different lightbulbs, got a motion-sensor night light, dust mop, and whisk broom/dustpan.
  • Did another load of dishes.
  • Hung the microwave from the cabinet. This was pretty much an all-day project. Good things: it had a bracket that mounted on the wall and held the weight of the oven while I farted around with the screws on top. Very nice. Bad things: Had to take it down once and put it back up because the power cord was stuck behind it and not next to it; had to take it down a second time because the holes down through the cabinet above were just slightly off. Also, after trying to get the screws in at an angle, I mangled the threads enough so that I had to really work to power the third screw in. Power cord is just 6 inches short so I need to find a 6-inch 20-amp extension cord :| But, it is finally up and looks great.
  • Vacuumed the entire upstairs.

Personal Mission Statement

I took some time over my vacation to work on my Personal Mission Statement. I am recording it here for myself, and to share it with those who are interested.

I take pride in my strengths. I am: patient, sensitive, compassionate, insightful, creative, and a good communicator.

I humbly recognize my weaknesses. I can sometimes be: unmotivated, disorganized, and a procrastinator. I will strive to overcome these, and to be: proactive, driven, organized, and dependable.

I will never compromise in myself those things which I implicitly trust in others: I will be honest at all times, and I will never seek to harm another.

I will spend time and effort on the things that are most important to me.

  • For my body, I need a healthy diet, regular exercise, and enough rest.
  • For my heart, I need family and friends, and emotional awareness and honesty.
  • For my mind, I need self-improvement and growth, creative expression, and communication with others.
  • For my spirit, I need to have compassion and give service.

In my personal life, I wish to be: healthy and sound of body, and at peace with my mind, heart, and conscience.

Among my friends and family, I wish to be known as: patient, dependable, creative, and a good listener.

Among my co-workers and professional colleagues, I wish to be known as: proactive, dependable, creative, organized, and wise.

We are still on vacation. Here are some photos.

First night, we went to a comedy show and I didn’t take pictures. The second day we went to Mandalay Bay and saw the Shark Reef exhibit (where I took most of the pictures), and then the Excalibur Tournament of Kings show.

lovely Lost Wages

We are currently in Vegas. I think I really like our timeshare. The room is beautiful, and has a full on kitchen, washer/dryer, shower and whirlpool tub, and TV in the front room and another in the bedroom.

Also, the internet access is not only high-speed, it’s also free/unlimited. Not that I expect to be camped out in the room all week or anything.

Gambling, buffet, and comedy show tonight.

First Things First: review and brief summary

I listened to First Things First by Stephen R. Covey in the abridged audio version. I will probably be buying the actual book soon.

This is by the same author as Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which I greatly enjoyed even though I did not finish. Now would be a good time to break that out and finish it… I made good use of the first three Habits, I think, and I wanted to give myself some time to implement them and observe any changes.

I greatly enjoyed First Things First because it puts perspective on “time management” and neatly addresses what I have always found lacking in most time management (and indeed most “self help”) literature and lessons.

Summary follows. Ganked without permission. If you like these ideas, please buy the book.
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