Monthly Archives: October 2007

Hawai’i trip, day one

Some highlights:
Woke up at 7:00 despite setting alarm for 5:00 (turns out I had set the “Monday-Friday” alarm)
Mad rush to get to SFO in time. Split the party so we could check in bags and park at the same time.
Made it to the gate in time for the lady to say “I sure hope you are the Connor party”
Pretty uneventful flight
Found out there is no shuttle to the resort (well, there is but it costs about the same as a cab ride)
Took a cab to the resort
Saw large fields of lava rocks and a lot of “Hawaiian Graffiti” (white rocks brought from the beach and arranged to spell names on the black ground)
Got settled in at resort and had a burger from the cafe
Walked down the road about 5 min to see Hilton Waikoloa and dine at a good, very expensive Chinese restaurant at hotel

Plans for the week
Rent a car, ASAP
Run some errands and get some groceries so we can eat in the room (full on kitchen)
Try to make it to the observatory tonight (the visitor center, probably not the summit)
Tues we will probably drive clockwise around to Hilo, breakfast at Ken’s, maybe see Volcano, and come back
Luau planned for Wed eve. Wed. we also will attend a timeshare upgrade presentation.
May take a Circle Island tour on Thurs or Fri to see the typical tourist sites
May take a stargazing tour Thurs or Fri if we want more telescope action.
Returning on Sat.

New friend?

Someone just friended me, but it’s hard to tell if the journal in question is run by a real person. We have no friends in common, and the journal was created today. 1 entry was posted in it (which I can’t see, despite being a friend) and the new journal’s 85 friends have nothing much in common other than being all from San Jose CA.

Anyway, if this new friend is you, comment here or email me so I know you’re a real person.

Whether or not the new journal is owned by a real person or a robot, I may go ahead and friend some of the other friends, who seem to have similar interests. Even if the mystery journal is not run by a real person, the other friends of mystery journal appear real enough.

I’m here

It’s a Monday. I was very tired this morning so I ended up sleeping later than I planned – I got up at 8:30 instead of 7:00, skipped the shower, packed a lunch and hauled my butt to work. I thought about calling in sick because my knee really hurts today, and I’m having a little trouble getting around. Traffic was light, thankfully. I got here a little before 10:00, but I somehow doubt anyone will even notice.

The funny (ironic, sad) part of the story is that today is a HOLIDAY and I’m now alone in a virtually empty office. I realized what happened when I pulled into the empty parking lot at 9:45. It’s not even that I didn’t know it was a holiday… I was reminded of it Weds. Thurs. and Fri. of last week. So I have no excuse other than “I’m L4ME” for being here.

However, now that I am here I might as well work on some things. This week is going to be tight and I will have to scramble a bit if I am to finish everything before going on vacation next week. I figure I will stay at least 2 hrs, maybe 4, depending on how excited I am about the automation stuff I’m working on.

So yeah. I’m here, for now :)