Today is my 46th birthday. And yesterday was our 23rd wedding anniversary. That means I have been married to Michelle for more than half my life.
I remember, 23 years ago, one day shy of my 23rd birthday, standing there in Ragle Ranch Park in Sebastopol, CA, waiting to be married to the woman I love. I remember all our friends around us, holding swords, saying words over us, playing Greensleeves, or just watching us and cheering us on as we pledged our lives to each other. I remember grinning like a fool, and watching her cry her eyes out. I remember taking endless pictures, and then walking back to join all the guests, and saying “Thanks for coming, did you get some food?”
I would like everyone to know that I wouldn’t change a minute of it, because every minute has led us here, which is exactly where I want to be, more than anything else.
I would like everyone to know that in 46 years, when I am nearly 92, I hope we will still be side-by-side as we celebrate our 69th anniversary together.