Monthly Archives: November 2004

Vacation coming up

We changed our vacation plans a little, and we will now be going to Vegas in the dead of winter, instead of going to Florida.

So we will be in Vegas between Dec 13 and Dec 19. JB and 9M will be there for some of that time. I wonder if there’s any chance anyone else I know will also be in vegas at that time. hmm.

Broiled Butterflied Chicken, the gconnor way

Based on Alton Brown’s Broiled Butterflied Chicken recipe though I have made a couple, ah, modifications… This version of the recipe is not for the faint of heart (nor for competent cooks, apparently :)

1 1/2 teaspoons black peppercorns
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 lemon, zested
Extra virgin olive oil
Onions, carrots and celery cut into 3 to 4-inch pieces
3 to 4-pound broiler/fryer chicken
1 cup red wine
8 ounces chicken stock
2 to 3 sprigs thyme Some anonymous herb
Canola oil

Position the oven rack 8 inches from the flame/coil and Turn broiler to high.
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Moral Values

Would someone good at making icons and banners make some of these sentiments into pictures? I’m thinking it would be appropriate to have them on a red, white and blue background, looking a lot like “I Voted” stickers.

Honesty is a Moral Value
Love is a Moral Value
Hatred is Not a Moral Value
War is Not a Moral Value

Get Out The Vote

Radio reports say that the race is still too close to call. But, while Kerry seems to have a slight lead among all registered voters, Bush currently has a slight lead among “likely” voters. That means that higher voter turnout will probably benefit Kerry.

Remind friends to vote, and remind them that they are allowed to take time off from work to do so. Offer rides if necessary. Walk around at work and remind your co-workers to vote.

go team!