Monthly Archives: July 2008

Search for a list-maker

I’m going back to read Getting Things Done by David Allen. It’s good stuff.

It’s clearer to me now that I need a good “list manager”. I have a lot of lists in various places, and I have a lot of input that I want to capture and put into a system, but it has to be a system that I trust, or else my brain will continue to remind me of things.
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Stuff I’ve done for Shutterfly

Collection of scripts I may want to refer to later: on my personal wiki
Documents I wrote on company wiki: saved here

As far as I know none of it is proprietary and doesn’t contain any actual user data. I’d like to be able to say that the way sysadmins deal with copying files and running backups contributes to Shutterfly’s competitive advantage, but I know better. Almost everything here is industry-standard-grade or lower… I just don’t like reinventing the wheel.