Monthly Archives: May 2004

Summary from anti-spam meeting last week..

I was fortunate enough to be invited to dinner with Meng Weng Wong, Harry and Jim from Microsoft, and some others from Verisign, IBM, Spamhaus, etc. Over beers, we talked about the ideas that Meng/Harry/Jim had hammered out over the previous couple days. (This is part of the MARID working group meeting last week, though not the only part. Is anyone interested in the rest of the meeting? :)

I am a long-time supporter of SPF and I was skeptical of anything that would appear to be a compromise to MS. But, the two proposals had more things in common than they had differences.

Here’s a quick summary of what we talked about.

Hello friends!

I am not dead. In fact, I have been enjoying my new job. My boss even let me take a day and a half paid so I could go to an anti-spam-type meeti ng. It was the IESG Anti-Forgery Working Group (the group trying to come up with an RFC that stops forged email). More on that in another post.

I have just read 159 friends and community entries (2 days’ worth) so I am caught up but now sort of tired.

Kitty update

Harley seems to be doing fine, other than a few lost teeth. He has some tartar built up on some teeth – including one large piece that the vet was able to break off with a thumbnail. He also has one tooth that is not really lost but has been covered over by gum and will eventually be re-absorbed back into the body.

The doctor recommended that we should brush his teeth, once a day if we can. We haven’t started that, yet, but we are starting to stroke him on the face to get him used to being touched on/around the mouth.