No workout today, but I also did not eat out for dinner, so let’s call it even.
After dinner of asparagus and leftovers, I made some more pickles. I made a double batch this time, one jar for me and one jar for some friends. Better not tell you who just yet… it’s a surprise.
11. Dill Pickles: Cucumbers, Onions and Bell Peppers
Cucumbers, cut into slices
Green Bell pepper, cut into thin strips
Onions, cut into rings
10 cloves of fresh garlic
20 sprigs of fresh dill
2 cups cider vinegar
1 cup champagne vinegar
2 cups of water
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup kosher salt
2 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp onion flakes
3 tsp pickling spice
Produce in clean jar. Everything else in pan. Boil, simmer 4 min. Pour over produce. Let cool, then refrigerate 1 week.
Latest pickle recipients chosen on the basis of:
1. Haven’t seen them in a while and miss them.
2. Shared interest in Good Eats (the show and the eats)
3. Maybe you can figure out something to do with the infused brine when the pickles are gone… If you do, let me know, give me ideas.