What I believe about health care

Here’s what I believe about health care in the US.

1. Everyone should have it.

Every other industrialized country has decided that health care is a human right and has found a way to provide it to everyone. We should do the same. We should not let anyone else die or go broke because they don’t have health insurance. If Europe can do it, so can we.

2. Making a profit from health insurance isn’t right.

Doctors, nurses and other health *care* providers should be allowed to make a profit, but nobody should be allowed to profit from providing insurance. That simply extracts more money from the system and redirects it to people who don’t make anyone better. Every other industrialized country has a non-profit health insurance program. Profit motives provide the wrong incentive. There should never be a financial incentive to deny needed care.

3. A public option should be available.

If the public option is allowed to compete with private health insurance, we win either way. If the government can provide the same level of care, pay doctors the same, and cost less overall, how can that be a bad thing? At least let them try. We have public and private schools, why not public and private insurance? May the best plan win!

That’s what I believe. If you happen to feel the same, please feel free to repost. If you believe something else, post what *you* believe.

Blizzard GM contact

Here is a paraphrase of what I reported:

Hello, I am having trouble finding NPC “Ringo” for quest “Lost”. After waiting 30 minutes we went and did something else, and checked back a couple of times in the next hour… still no NPC. Please check to make sure the NPC is in the correct place and let me know when I can try again to complete this quest. Thanks.

Here is the reply I received

WoW server question

I’m sad that even though I have a lot of friends that play WoW, they are all on different servers. I would love to hang out, chat, quest and even RP with my friends, but I hate having to pick and choose.

If you play WoW, and especially if you might like to play, hang, chat, rp, quest, etc. with me, please comment here! I wish to know: What server(s) do you play on? Would you consider coming to another server occasionally? Would you move your chars to another server? If you did move to another server, who else would you try to convince to come with you? While playing, how much time do you spend grouping with others vs. soloing vs. RP vs. fishing/farming, or what? What times of day do you play?


I am @nekodojo on twitter.  I’m not sure what I’ll be posting, but for now I’m just using it to follow people I know.

If you want to follow me, go for it.  If we know each other but you don’t want to follow my twitter right now, maybe reply here to let me know who you are, or send   @nekodojo Hello  via tweet.

Sophie update

Sophie has had a bad week, health-wise. The upshot of it is, unless her status changes dramatically for the better over the weekend, we will most likely have a painful-but-pretty-clear decision to make on Monday.

We have known this was coming, so we are as prepared as we could have been, but it’s still hard. She has been with us longer than we’ve been married, so she is close to 18. We have had a long and happy time together, but that doesn’t make it any easier either.

I will keep everyone posted. Thank you as always for your kind support.

Linux encryption geek question

OK Linux geeks. Imagine you have:

  • 5 or 6 Linux servers with their disks full of files
  • A need to encrypt the files so that if the servers are lost in shipping, secrets are not loosed
  • No extra disks and no extra servers to encrypt "onto"

How would you arrange to encrypt stuff "in place" where creating a mountable, encrypted filesystem isn’t really feasible?  Is there a magic wand I can wave, or do I really need to write my own script to PGP-crypt everything one file at a time and delete?  I’m assuming there isn’t a paid product that will encrypt "in place" but if there is, we probably would want it.


We are poor

This year, we started the year with about 25k in savings, rainy-day fund, and over the course of the year, well, it rained. Three cats with cancer, one new computer, two vacations, and a couple other extravagant purchases later, we have officially drained the rainy-day fund.

To make matters worse, I changed jobs, which is a good thing for me and our family considering the Hellish commute and crap management/political infighting/reindeer games at the old place, but I have taken a big step down in pay to make it happen. Next year’s forecast is that I will take home 13k less than 2008.

We are planning to do a lot of belt-tightening, especially in the “dining out” arena. As in, cut our dining out and take-out by half. That will mean eating at home a lot more… our habit has been an average of 4 or 5 nights a week getting take-out our going out, and we’ll need to scale this back to 2 per week. I’ll need to scale back my lunch budget too, and get serious about sandwiches again. That also means we’ll need to buy groceries, and cook for ourselves, as the primary food source *and* as the backup plan (i.e. frozen or canned items as the “emergency” item, not Baja Fresh.) We will also cancel some extras like Vonage and Netflix, but that’s only 50/month combined, so small change.

If we make serious cuts in the dining/entertainment area, have no new computers or bling next year, have no other huge disasters, we will just about break even next year. That’s not a comfortable position for me… I’d really like to have savings equal to 6 months of living expenses (or at least, enough to cover 6 months if we cut non-essentials like dining out at all and directv).

The biggest impact for next year will be the plans for fixing up the house and moving out. Our house may have dropped in value, but we still have a hefty equity stake. Last time we moved, we were fortunate to be able to buy a new house, move, and then show our old condo in an empty state, and made a considerable profit on it. Most of that profit went into this house’s equity, so the house we bought for 460k we probably owe 320k. If we could sell it for what we bought it for, or more, that would mean we have 140k or more for downpayment and reducing our loan. But, if we move into a house that costs us roughly the same amount, our loan will end up being the same amount (and same monthly payment) as now. We also have no cash to apply to needed improvements/completions. I’d like to check around to see if we can get a house we can tolerate for less than our current house, and if we can get a 2nd loan or home equity line (I should have kept the old equity line open but it had a hefty yearly fee).

More extreme measures? I suppose if we were to totally clear out the spare room, we could take on a roommate and share the rent. M is highly skeptical of this idea… I could think of a few people we wouldn’t mind as roommates but they are all unemployed at the moment. Another option might be asking M to go back to tech writing- if she were to earn 10k or 15k that would definitely help.

So, friends. What are some of your favorite cheap, easy foods to make at home. I’m pretty good at making large soups, salad, spaghetti, hamburger-helper or other boxed side dishes, steaming veggies, and other simple stuff. Any other ideas are welcome!