Vegas, day 6

Last day
Get up and start packing
Call for bell service
Take cab to airport
Wait in “web check in” line about 25 minutes while the 1 lady serving that line spends 10 minutes with one person, and 10+ minutes with someone from the First Class line (which has 2 other windows serving it)
Give up and take our bags outside to curb checkin, done in 3 min.
Fly home, landing 20 min early
Cab home

– 6 Bell service
-25 Cab to airport
– 6 Water and candy
-25 Cab to home

-45 Checking two bags

Vegas, day 5

Back to TI to look at photos
Avoid buying full rez photos on CD ($1200) but did get a couple extra 8×10
Breakfast at Hilton Cafe
Back to hotel just to chill

-15 Cab back from TI to our hotel

-60 Midnight snacks, drinks, cold medicine
-30 Deli, snacks

Vegas, day 4

Bus+walk to Atomic Bomb Museum
Walk back (no bus, ouch)
Monorail (1 stop worth)
Hilton restaurants all closed 2-5
Had mini pizza at Pizza Hut stand
Return to hotel
Dinner at Hilton, 888 Noodle bar (thx Darren)

– 1 Bus
-12 Museum
– 5 Monorail 1 ride
– 9 Pizza hut
-20 Slots

-40 Deli breakfast stuff and snacks
-10 Deli snacks, water

Vegas, day 3

Drop off Miche and Corrii at Treasure Island
Try to find shirt or bandana for Darren’s costume and mine
Breakfast at Starbucks
Stores not open yet. Gamble.
Win 700 at roulette table betting on red, red, black
Drive to Supercuts and get haircut
Return to Treasure Island, locate Bridal Dressing Room
Change into costume, chat with officiant and wedding staff
Ceremony! On a freakin Pirate Ship!
Lots of pictures after
Back to hotel for quick lunch
Cab to Postrio
Excellent dinner
Cab back to hotel

+700 Won at roulette
-20 Cab to Postrio
-15 Cab back to hotel

-15 Starbucks
-20 Supercuts
-20 Deli
-1000 Dinner at Postrio (10 people)
-90 Spa treatment

Vegas, day 1

Day 1
Packed, got cats situated
Parked car outside so L could park inside
Took cab to airport
Cab driver took 20 extra minutes to find our house (S.V.Place NOT S.V.Way ok?)
Boarded plane 20 min late, then waited an extra 70 min to take off
C and L were on the same flight, took cab to hotel together

-25 Cab ride to airport
-15 Lunch at airport
-30 Cab from airport to hgvc
+20 Clay-for cab
-20 Dinner, hilton cafe

-15 Check bag at airport
-10 Headband
-15 Deli, Snacks

First day at work

HR paperwork with Brooke
Set up workstation and email (Thunderbird and Firefox)
Set up my Mac to also read work mail
Went to lunch with: Tim (IT) Natasha (SQA) Sean and Michael (DEV) and Mark, ?Andre & ?Brendan (Web) (Need to verify the names I’m not sure of)
Also met Eric and ____ who Darren introduced me to. I forget why.
Met Devon (IT) and Josh (DEV) again (both of whom interviewed me I think)
Set up Trillian to reach internal Jabber server.
Read Twiki pages, added my phone number and IM to internal contacts wiki
Met Marco (Project Manager) and Stephanie (unknown dept/title)

Still to do:
Finish benefits paperwork

Search for a list-maker

I’m going back to read Getting Things Done by David Allen. It’s good stuff.

It’s clearer to me now that I need a good “list manager”. I have a lot of lists in various places, and I have a lot of input that I want to capture and put into a system, but it has to be a system that I trust, or else my brain will continue to remind me of things.
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