Blizzard GM contact

Here is a paraphrase of what I reported:

Hello, I am having trouble finding NPC “Ringo” for quest “Lost”. After waiting 30 minutes we went and did something else, and checked back a couple of times in the next hour… still no NPC. Please check to make sure the NPC is in the correct place and let me know when I can try again to complete this quest. Thanks.

Here is the reply I received:

Greetings Greg,

Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.

Issue Reported: My account got hacked I recovered it but all my gold and enchanting mats are gone, it happened between 11pm may 24th last night and noon today may 25th. I put a ticket in on all 3 characters but I have to go to work, please help will be on later to check progresss on getttin my stuff back.

The issue reported above is not considered to be “broken” and should be functioning normally. If you feel that the functionality should be different, then please visit the Suggestion Forum ( and post a suggestion. These forums are regularly monitored by the World of Warcraft development team.

You can also check our general forums ( where you can discuss game issues with other players.

Thank you again for contacting us. We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft!

11 thoughts on “Blizzard GM contact

  1. willowisp

    It looks like the GM forgot to hit “copy” after highlighting your answer, and instead pasted the last person’s issue, but answered yours (badly).

    I suppose Merliniel and co have already tried to lure you to LotRO? If not, count this as a lure.

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