Monthly Archives: October 2003

Weekend report

Thursday: I think I Thursday was the day I drove M’s car to the car shop to unlock the *%^$@! radio anti-theft lock which I don’t have the code to (now we do) and to get a replacement antenna. Radio code was free, antenna was $45 plus $55 labor. The sales guy at the car radio store can’t spell “antenna”. After arriving to work late, there were a couple meetings and pretty much time to go home.

Friday: What the hell did I do on Friday. I have no idea. Dinner was Outback take-away.

Saturday: Got up about 8:30 and walked to the auto parts to get AC recharge kit ($24.99) so M’s car actually has cool air, should be at least enough for her road trip. Went to Fry’s and Action computer, unable to find a *quiet* fan for my stereo cabinet because all the fans at the right size run on 12VDC not 110VAC. I will probably try just cleaning the fan and putting it back in. To bookstore, and to fetch take out from Kabul.

Sunday: Did laundry. Help M prepare to leave, which she did about 12:00. Puttering around the house a bit after that. Decided to get off my butt and go shopping to make pickles. Exercise a bit. Receive call from M, navigated her to an appropriate hotel in Palm Springs CA. Clear off books from nightstand. Tud. sleep.

Monday: Off to Sacramento for some meetings, but got a late start, didn’t actually get there until 12. like 3 meetings with total of 7-8 people. Leave office about 5:15. On the way home, stop to visit S and H in Dublin, and we got out to have Teppan at Hana. Got home about 10:40. Don’t know why I am still awake. Tud.


Posted as a comment on someone else’s community entry. I wanted to keep it here for myself also. (Original comment was about boy1 behaving badly when author paid attention to boy2, and asks how to say “Listen you ass, you are dead wrong” in perhaps not just those words.) Continue reading

New friends

I added althaea to my friends page because she seems to write some cool stuff. I also seem to have picked up a couple more friends due to what I will call The althaea Effect. Welcome kidarrian and creentmerveille. The reading around here may not always be insightful, but will at the very least be honest.

Usually I post like once a week to say what I did over the weekend, but sometimes I post something insightful or even clever. If you find my writing interesting, great, otherwise if you decide to wander off I shall not take it personally. I am writing primarily for me, and entertaining you the readers is not a huge priority, but I do try to be thought-provoking when the mood strikes.