Monthly Archives: October 2002

Another partial dream

Some bits of the dream from this morning.
In school, talking to some other school mates, everyone had school uniforms on.
In a dorm room, still in bed, but listening to other kids on their way to class just outside the door.
Getting in trouble for parking in the bus zone, then having to appear before a judge-type person to explain my behavior.
Explaining that I was with my girlfriend (pretty sure it was Michelle) and that she had to go to the bathroom which is why I had to stop there
Being told by the judge-type person “Oh well, that’s OK then” and then having to clear out of the auditorium before the next event started

Then being in some junk car lot hanging out with some girl from school named Tracy (nope, don’t know anyone like this in real life) and then some weird guy pulls up in a van and starts throwing big pieces of scrap metal out of the back of his van right at her.
I went over to him and said something like, “What the hell are you doing, didn’t you see my friend standing there?” This guy was like three feet taller than me, so my eye-level was right at his belly-button level. After loudly discussing this matter for a bit, and walking over to look at the scrap metal on the ground, he said “whatever” and started to just walk away. I said something like “You’re going to have to get this van off the property” and he indicated that if I wanted it moved I could move it myself, and threw his keys at me, and they landed across the street behind me. I went and picked up his keys (and his clipboard and a couple other things that he threw as well). I decided rather than moving his van anywhere I should just call the police and explain everything that happened.

Woke up.

To do list

New server is up.

Install RedHat 7.2
Download errata and install (Download time 12h 30m at 21.3 Kbytes/sec)
Configure sudoers
Configure ntpd
chkconfig gpm off
Start httpd and edit config so I can read docs

To do:
Configure iptables
Unconfigure ipchains
Test masq routing

It will probably be at least a week or two until I can start moving services from the old server to the new.

I’m collecting story ideas for nanowrimo again. I think it would be cool to do a mystery, but you have to kind of have a story/solution in mind going in. Hmm.

Vague bits of dream from last night…

Living in a post-apocalytic society (a la Jerimiah)
Having to crawl down into a deep pit/tunnel to get something working again

In other news, I am installing a new server to replace Charon – I got a refurbished pc from Dell, 1.7Ghz 512M/30G DVD,etc for $550 +tax. Not bad. It included XP professional – I’m erasing it now but maybe I can reuse the XP on my other pc. I wonder what the difference is between home and professional xp?

Dream: Weird Airport

I’m not sure why I was at the airport. Miche was with me, and someone else I knew but now I can’t remember. We were part of a tour group or something, and we had gotten off a plane and crossed a street, then gone up some concrete steps to where we were supposed to catch a bus for our group. We went into a building to sit down and wait for the bus… … Weird dream continued…


I’m changing my userpic to “sorrow” for the time being, to express condolences and well-wishes for aelfsciene who lost a loved one today. Be well.

Please excuse the lame drawing, but I wanted to create something from scratch (and I’m no kind of artist).