Thursday: space_parasite and I stayed late at work.. It wasn’t especially difficult, just a lot of waiting for people to be sure things were OK. Got done about 10:00 pm.
Friday: Don’t remember much about Friday… I left work about 5:30 and came home, stopping at Jiffy Lube on the way to get an oil change. (We were expecting to go to Healdsburg this weekend but didn’t, and I am also going to Sacramento this week so I wanted the oil to be OK even if the rest of the car still needs to be seen for other maintenance)
Saturday: Work-related foo in the morning like 9:00 to 1:00. I made myself some eggs and toast before starting. When done, I went to the auto parts store and got a replacement battery for M’s car. Once it got juice back, it worked like a champ… I squirted the windshield enough so I could see my way down the block to the car wash, paid 11.95, and they made it clean again. (This was in preparation for me being out of town, in case M needs a working car for anything.)
Later, went to a party for esmerel hosted by her and merlinofchaos. M didn’t go because her sleep schedule is all thrown off. I had a good time just sitting around and talking to people.
Sunday: Sleeping in, kind of lazy. Went shopping and acquired massive amounts of food. After putting food away I went to Fry’s to look for a charger for the palm. Printed out the passport application and filled it out.
Today (Monday): Half day of working, then drove to get my passport application turned in (sunnyvale post office). No, I’m not planning to leave the country, I just figured it would be nice to have one, on the off chance I have to go to Norway for work-related reasons. After this, dropped off 6 bags of clothes to the Goodwill and then made it to the dentist way early. They took me in for my appointment right away, so after 2 fillings I was done at exactly the time my appointment was to start..
After getting injected at about 2:30, my lip and cheek are still numb, only now starting to tingle. It is weird trying to drink when you can’t feel your upper lip on one side… you don’t actually know if the cup is touching your face. I must have got a massive dose of novocaine because about 4:00 I felt my left eyelid drooping and blinking felt weird, like I wasn’t closing my eye all the way or something. It is now 7:15 and I don’t think I will be able to eat anything until like 9:00.
Tomorrow: Leave for Sacramento at the ass-crack of dawn pretty much. Things I need to do tonight or tomorrow morning include: pack clothes, give cats food, give cats water, take trash down, try to install powerdvd (though I can probably wait for that).
PS. I probably need a new dialup account at some point. Any ideas or recommendations? It would only be for using occasionally while on the road so I don’t need unlimited hours or anything like that. I could probably go with Earthlink.
That is all for now.