Tag Archives: diet

why don’t I give this low-carb thing a try

I have decided to try eating very few carbs for the next week or three, to see what happens.

In the past I have been skeptical of the low-carb (or no-carb) diets, mostly because I feel it should be possible to eat a “balanced” diet, in moderation, and be well, live happy. I have a feeling that the low-carb craze is a direct result of the “low fat” craze that has been omnipresent in this country & culture for some decades. We have become so used to “low fat” items and have traded carbs for fats. Now, the pendulum swings the other way and “low carb” is the craze, but neither of these appeals to my inner sense of symmetry.

However, the following factors have made me decide to try it, at least for a while.

  • I have decided that there is probably no harm in trying it for a while, and much possibly to gain.
  • I know I should probably eat less (of everything, but mostly less carbs).
  • I have for some time thought that I probably eat about the right amount of food. This was not well-supported by the evidence: I can’t deny that I eat a lot, more than can reasonably be described as “normal”.
  • What I have read about carbohydrates and insulin leads me to conclude that an excess of carbs makes a person crave more carbs. Therefore, the process is not self-correcting — it is possible for the system to get out of whack, and it’s very likely that my own carb/sweets craving is out of proportion with my actual needs — way out.
  • Similarly, I entertained the thought that that all I would need to do is exercise and everything would be OK. Exercise is important to me, but so far I have not been willing or able to do the proper amount. I hope to be able to reach and maintain a “normal” amount of exercise, but it seems very unlikely that I will do the extra exercise needed to offset carelessness in the eating department. Besides, adding exercise to my life requires a time commitment, and eating less food does not.
  • I used to somewhat enjoy being carefree (a.k.a. careless) with my eating. I am in the habit of just eating whatever is in front of me, or whatever sounds good, and to eat until I feel full. I have decided that I’m getting too old to be careless in this way. I already have some minor health consequences from eating too much. I would like to avoid major ones.
  • I have decided that the best first step toward making eating a more conscious, informed decision is to try limiting my food intake as much as possible. This is probably the only way I will discover exactly what my body needs. I would like to be more aware of how my body reacts to food and the lack of it.
  • Finally, I pride myself on being disciplined and careful in other aspects of my life. My eating habits are out of step with this vision of my enlightened self. After all, if my decisions about what to eat are not up to me, they are certainly not up to anyone else :) I believe I have the willpower reserves. There is no time like the present to put it to the test.

So, the current plan is to go low-carb for a while (temporary) but also in general to get in tune with what my body needs, and eat less. This will be hard, but not impossible. I love great food, especially sweets and rich foods, but I think in time I can learn to love them in smaller amounts.

Pot stickers

I made some pot stickers using Alton’s recipe as a, well, general guideline :) They turned out pretty OK.

I made a few substitutions, because I didn’t have scallions or bell pepper on hand. I replaced scallions with minced onion, left out bell pepper completely, and instead of mustard I added 1/2 tsp of McDonalds Barbeque sauce. The filling turned out a little on the sweet-ish side but tasted great.

Figuring out how to wrap them was interesting, since I deleted the episode already and the recipe doesn’t exactly say how to shape them I used square wonton wraps instead of round but after a bit of experimentation they seemed to to OK.
Details, including some pictures

Note to self: It helps to plug the crock pot in. Pot roast will be ready about 6 if you do, and at 2 am if you don’t.

So far I have made one pot roast and one soup in the crock pot. I am happy.

Also, I made Lemon Curd last night and served it to my sweety on some pound cake. I am quite smug.

Broiled Butterflied Chicken, the gconnor way

Based on Alton Brown’s Broiled Butterflied Chicken recipe though I have made a couple, ah, modifications… This version of the recipe is not for the faint of heart (nor for competent cooks, apparently :)

1 1/2 teaspoons black peppercorns
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 lemon, zested
Extra virgin olive oil
Onions, carrots and celery cut into 3 to 4-inch pieces
3 to 4-pound broiler/fryer chicken
1 cup red wine
8 ounces chicken stock
2 to 3 sprigs thyme Some anonymous herb
Canola oil

Position the oven rack 8 inches from the flame/coil and Turn broiler to high.
Continue reading


Last night I made steaks. Normally I put them in the broiler on a broiler pan for 6 min each side. This time I decided to get them seared in a skillet, 30 sec each side, then thrown the skillet with steaks under the broiler.

Safety note: the handle of the skillet will still be rocket-hot 1 min later. DO NOT attempt to just grab the thing when you go to deglaze the skillet. You will end up with a nice burn on your palm at the base of your thumb. Keep the hot pad draped over the handle to remind yourself not to grab it directly.

Anyway, I didn’t have any wine or cognac to deglaze with so I used a little water, a little soy-sugar type oriental sauce, and a little pickle juice from my Good Eats refrigerator pickles. Ended up with a good au-jus kind of thing, if a little vinegary.

Probably next time I will do like the sauce show suggests and deglaze with a little low-sodium broth and a little milk. Also, I seared and broiled with no oil in the pan – next time maybe an oil of some kind will help give the glaze some body so it has more juices and less black carbon flakes ;)

Simple pleasures

Tonight we had:

Filet, salt, pepper, garlic, and 13 min under the broiler
Greek salad, courtesy of Safeway, with a bit of crumbled goat cheese added
Asparagus, just a little butter and salt


(Oh, and finding out that I won’t lose my severance after all, that was good too. Three months’ pay is always tasty.)

The REAL difference between stock and broth

As posted in but I wanted to save it in my own journal just for fun.

Inspired by the “difference between stock and broth”…. Meanwhile, on another soundstage (now would be a good time to put down your beverage):

MARSHA: “So Alton, what’s the difference between broth and stock, anyway?”

ALTON: “You know, I would love to be able to tell you, but as I have said before, I’m not a food scientist. But, she is.” [points at SHIRLEY]

[SHIRLEY pops up from behind the counter]


Hmm, it’s been a while since I made pickles. This time I made 4 jars (1L each). 2 are cucumber and onions, and 2 are carrots, onions, yellow bell pepper. All have fresh dill, and fresh garlic.

Brine solution contains: water, cider vinegar, champagne vinegar, white wine vinegar, raspberry vinegar, sugar, salt, yellow mustard seed, pickling spice, dill seed, dill weed (dried), powdered ginger, onion flakes. Continue reading

More chores

Installed air conditioner (temporary installation, involves cardboard and packing tape. Made dinner. Did the rest of the dishes.
Updated to-do list.
Failed to do curtains, mainly because it’s phucking hot and the AC got bumped up in priority.

Oh and M and I got this new diet/exercise plan, called something like the Six Week Total Body Makeover. It allows you to customize exercise and diet to your particular body style. For me it’s a minor variation on “Eat a reasonable balance, watch portion sizes, and do something aerobic to burn fat” since I didn’t really want to shape my body or bulk up, though there are some shaping exercises I might do. For M there are more exercises and a diet that’s about the same with slightly smaller portions. Anyway, it should be interesting.