Since I have a fair number of sysadmins on my f.list, and sysadmins know sysadmins, I thought I would pass this along. This was sent to me by Phil (some of you from AV will remember him and may have already received this).
Just wanted to make you aware of a great position for Sr. Linux Administrator I’m trying to fill. I’m looking for a seasoned admin with 5+ year experience managing Linux (preferably Debian). Must be strong. Have all of the usual skills that go along with the position. Experience with MySQL and Foundry a big plus. The company is a profitable technology business in the ecommerce space with offices in San Mateo. (Beautiful bay views and cool breezes). Contact me for more information.
If you are interested or know someone who is, please have them send me a resume. I’m need to hire this immediately. I will give a gift certificate for a free dinner for 2 to anyone who leads me to this hire (someplace nice I promise…).
Thank you so much for the help!
Contact me if interested and I will put you in touch directly.