OK I am modifying this meme. Vive la revolution!
Ten things I haven’t done, but I know someone who has!
1. Hosted a meeting of the local chapter of Hell’s Angels, invited them to stay for cake and tea afterwards, and they very kindly did the washing up in return. (but arkady has)
2. Got told to turn back from my walk on a Romanian beach by a Russian soldier with a Kalashnikov rifle. (but helenschappell has)
3. Won the state level Parliamentary Procedures competition in the FFA. (but agrimony has)
4. Had dinner with Levar Burton. (but tyee has)
5. Left a drive-in showing of The Blue Lagoon because of a sandstorm. In Detroit. (but firecat has)
6. Peed on Robert F. Kennedy (but mactavish has)
7. Was an assistant to an events coordinator at the animation Oscars (Annies) and therefore got to boss around such presenters as Mark Hamill and other voice actors. (but creentmerveille has)
8. Been advised to get a hysterectomy by Harlan Ellison. (but colubra has)
9. Ate lunch with Henry Winkler (but da_zhuang has)
10. Saw Ronald Reagan speak on the campaign trail before he was President (but tersa has)