Half-assed diet

I am going to give the “half-assed” diet another try. The idea (as explained to me by Ambar) is to eat half of what you normally eat, and you will lose half your ass.

So I am taking baby steps, like asking for “no rice” with the cafeteria meals, getting salad instead of entree selection, half a doughnut instead of a whole one, etc. I managed to avoid pizza twice this week by getting salad instead. I got Chicken Marsala from By Th Bucket (reasonably cool italian place) and put half on a plate and half in a tupperware.

I’m discovering that leftovers are cool. Leftovers are, of course, much more effective if you stop eating *before* it’s all gone.

Anyway, I have dropped 5 pounds in a week or so, not a big deal, but I really want baby steps here. I’m looking for a lifestyle change, not a clever thing I can do for 5 weeks and get a brand new shape I can’t maintain.

Days passed Sunday-Friday: 6
Days with 15 min exercise: 5
Days we had restaurant food: 3-4?
Weight Sunday: 272
Weight Friday: 267

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