This is the current to-do list. Both long-term and short-term items seem to be jumbled together. Hmm.
Clean up
Clean up bedroom Clean up Heater, TV stand
Clean up patio Clean up Wood, Wire fence material, Cat kennel, Litter boxes
Clean up kitchen Clean up Cookbooks, Tools, Duct tape, Rice cooker, Sandwich grill, Stuff on cutting board
Clean up my desk Clean up
Clean up living room Clean up Box of computer stuff, bag of games, two cat carriers,
Clean up dining room Clean up Extension cord, tools, old receipts, bags, papers
Walgreens- sophie stuff Errands
Shopping- Safeway Errands
Home improvement
Redo tile on hearth Home improvement
Wood floors everywhere Home improvement
Fix both toilets to flush properly Home improvement
Paint 1st bathroom Home improvement
Install air conditioner Household
Pay bills Household
Do something about fleas Household
Sweep in kitchen Household
Laundry Household
Do dishes Household
Wish list
Dishwasher Wish list
Hutch or china cabinet Wish list
Better lamp for computer area Wish list
2nd bookcase for bedroom Wish list
Skinny bookcase for computer area Wish list
Refrigerator Wish list
Icon Work