So far I had a leftover taco for breakfast, and leftover ham and bean casserole for lunch. Leftovers are neat, if I can convince myself to leave some of the food over. Had some decaf coffee this morning and cherry lemonade for lunch.
Spent a few more hours on wanking with Veritas, giving myself a crash course in freeing up tapes and all. Looks like backups are working again, and a second crisis has been averted.
Not sure what else I want to do today. Perhaps I should wake up Michelle at some point. I have been up since 10 so it’s safe to assume she has been sleeping for at least 5 hours. (I think she went to sleep at 4:30 because she woke me up at that time, but she was reading and I’m not sure when she went to sleep.)
I’m not yet sure what we are doing for New Year’s…