Trip log Thursday

Awakened at 930 by housekeeping, forgot to put the sign out. Oh well, showers for everyone and down to breakfast. Buffet crowded, so it’s the Pyramid Cafe (3rd time :) Played 5 on keno over breakfast. Then played some pgp again, this time M played too, good for her! I think we dropped $20 on that, though M kept some of that.

Spent $27 on Imax tix for haunted castle, which was OK but not great.

A little more pgp, lost $26 and then played roulette for one spin: placed $35 on red and won $35. Dropped $70 more on draw poker and $19 on something I can’t remember. Cab to Caesars, saw forum shops and then crossed to Flamingo for food at Conrad’s again. M had steak, C had crab, I had cajun shrimp. There was also salad, asparagus, mashed sweet potatoes, etc. Excellent, excellent food all three times :)

Then we saw Second City show. Second City Vegas is a relative of the Second City that gave us SCTV and most of the Saturday Night Live comics that we love. The show was great! Not all of it was improv, probably a third or so, but that was fine.

After the show, back to Luxor via cab. Then to mandalay to check it out, dropped 60 on slots and came back. Won $45 pgp and lost $5 in nickel poker. Off to bed!

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