My notes from reading the book “Influencer”
Search for vital behaviors
Search for *behaviors*Search for *vital* behaviorsFind some *recovery* behaviorsTest your results
Changing minds
Convince people
That they *can* do it
That it will be *worth it*
Don’t rely on verbal persuasion
Guide them through actually doing it, or
Arrange a field trip – a real experience, or
Create vicarious experiences – a well-told story
Tell the whole story, don’t summarize
Clearly link current behaviors to bad results
Include new behaviors and link to better results
Deal with both “can I do it” and “is it worth it”
Six domains of influence strategy and tactics
Motivation Ability Personal Make the undesirable desirable Surpass your limits Social Harness peer pressure Find strength in numbers Structural Design rewards and demand accountability Change the environment Personal motivation: Make the undesirable desirable
Help people get intrinsic satisfaction from right behavior
Make wrong behavior cause displeasure
Sense of accomplishment in result
Tap into pride and competitiveness
Longer term – tap into people’s view of who they want to be
When good acts aren’t satisfying (or bad ones are)
Take focus off the activity and connect it with *values*
Talk openly about values
If bad acts are entrenched
Reconnect actions to sense of morality
Fight moral disengagement
Don’t let people minimize or justify
For really resistant people
Don’t try to convince – *ask* them what *they* want
Allow them to discover links between actions and values
Personal ability: Surpass your limits
Demand higher achievement levels
Set aside time to study and practice vital behaviors
Pay attention to clear, specific, repeatable actions
Seek outside help and coaching
Insist on immediate feedback against clear standards
Break tasks into discrete actions, with goals for each
Practice in a low-risk environment
Apply “practice” tactics to all skills
Physical, intellectual, even complex emotional/social ones
Two of your mind’s most important systems
The “Go” system – instinctive, quick, emotional demands
Useful for legitimate risks to life and limb, less useful other times
The “Know” system – intellectual, thorough, slow
To regain control from the “Go” system
Create distractions for yourself
Avoid the battle: make the difficult easy, the averse pleasant, and the boring interesting
When strong emotions take over because you have drawn harsh negative conclusions
Reappraise the situation
Ask yourself complex questions that demand intellect and frontal lobe rather than emotional/amygdala
- Good news: overcoming habits and developing complex skills can be done with deliberate practice and ability to manage your own emotions, both of which can be learned.
Social motivation: Harnessing peer pressure
People who are *respected* and *connected* exert great influence
Identify and co-opt opinion leaders
Ignore them at your peril
Problems that require changes to widely-held norms
Almost everyone has to talk openly about controversial subjects
Topic may be considered undiscussable
Make it safe to talk about controversial subjects
Some efforts are so profound, people must be plucked from the old environment and immersed in a new one
Everyone desires to be
Social ability: find strength in numbers
The world is interdependent
Inability to work in concert is a handicap
We need to build social capital
Popular/media message of “rugged individualism” is wrong
Consider what people need when facing daunting, risky change
Help, authority, consent, cooperation
Develop and influence strategy that offers social capital
Structural motivation: Design rewards, demand accountability
Administering rewards can be tricky–use *third* not first
1st – Personal motivators
2nd – Social motivators
3rd – Extrinsic rewards
If you choose extrinsic rewards
Make them immediate
Link to vital *actions*, not results
Less is more
Small, heart-felt tokens of appreciation
Almost like an extension of social approval
If you have to administer punishment
Take a shot across the bow first
Structural ability: Change the environment
Make data obvious, accessible and clear
Location, location, location
Make it easy – make it unavoidable