Simon is gone. He died about 1:15 am this morning (the 18th). He was suffering something sudden and debilitating; based on blood tests the doctor said it was almost certainly cancer. He was quite frail already and we didn’t want to put him through any surgery, chemo, etc. Other than being hungry and a little confused, and having doctors poking at him, we don’t believe he was in pain or suffering, but that it was likely to go that direction given much longer.
There’s more to tell but it can be told later. Thank you to all of you who wrote with love and support, including esmerel, thistle_chaser, tersa, agrimony, da_zhuang, ciannait, demariana, waterowl, peragrine, aelfsciene, misty_shadows, and to C and D for hanging with us while we awaited news.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Greg.
Thank you, it is appreciated. I hope you are well!
Poor Simon. I’m so sorry, Greg, but glad you guys could spare him from a long end.
Thank you. We will have some great memories to keep. I know you recently dealt with a loss of your own, so I much appreciate the love and support. I can imagine Simon and Macha getting along famously.
Thank you also for the comment on Miche’s post. Be well.
Aw man, I’m so sorry. :( Please give M a giant hug for me (and well, for yourself too).
Thank you for the love and support, and especially for the comment to Miche’s post. It is appreciated. Be well!
I’m so, so, sorry to hear this, and hope that the two of you and all your furry kids can give you some comfort. *hug*
Thank you, I appreciate the support. Be well!
I am so sorry for your loss. Simon was a wonderful member of your family.
Thank you for the support… it means a lot. (OMG roses!)
Poor kitty. Poor humans. *hugs offered*
Thank you very much… I’ll take the hugs and pass them around here. Be well.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. :(
Thank you, it is appreciated. Take care, be well!
Diva and I send our condolensces.
*hugs to you n M*
Re: :(
Thank you, we can always use the hugs!
*hugs* to both of you, and thinking extra scritches thoughts to the rest of the menagerie.
Thanks, it is appreciated. hugs! scritches!
take care, be well.
I’m so very sorry. :( *hugs*
Thank you, it is appreciated. *hugs* to you also. Be well.
I’m so sorry dude :(
Thank you, it is appreciated. Take care.
Oh Greg, I’m so sorry that Simon’s gone and I’m sorry that I didn’t see this last night. I know both you and Miche loved him so very much. Please give each other lots of hugs from Gandalf and me – Miche, you, the kitties. Take care of yourselves.
Thank you, dear one, it is appreciated. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon. We’ll probably have a bit less energy, but both the distraction and relaxation will be welcome. We don’t get to see you as often as we’d like, lately, but we always feel energized, uplifted, and hopeful on seeing you.
Thanks also for the great comment to Miche’s post.
See you soon!
I’m so sorry. :(
thank you, it is appreciated. I love your hugs icon, that is awesome.
I am so sorry Greg … Please give Miche a hug from me an tell her I grieve for her loss as well.
Thank you dear one, and thank you for the comment to Miche’s post too. It is appreciated. The hugs will be passed around and returned to you soon :)
*erk* *hugs*
Simon was always the rogue of the group, but that made him just that more loveable. I feel for ya both and wish you the best straits ahead in your mourning.