Wednesday: Crazy day before leaving, trying to wrap up all kinds of loose ends both at work and at home. I decided to work from home so I could run a couple of errands without losing too much time. I had one conference call meeting and one irc virtual meeting. I managed to get a large amount of crap done, both work and home, though I was up until like 1 am.
Thursday: Up at 4:30 am (yay no sleep) to get to the airport by 5:30. Top Flight airport parking is great, though I would not want to park my car longer than a week, it turned out to be $75 for 6 days.
Everything went normally on the flight, it was 5 hrs, 1 hr layover Chicago, and another 2 hrs. I passed the time listening to the pilot/tower communication which was on one of the headset channels, pretty cool stuff, and also by listening to MP3s and watching in-flight movie. We got in to Manchester NH at about 5:30 pm est. We rented a car (pontiac grand am) and A met us at the airport so we could follow her.
Dinner was at the KBT house, sushi that we rolled ourselves (mmmm). Everyone looked at us California folks weirdly for using wasabi.
Excuse the interruption, but Sophie wanted to type the following.
We now return to your regularly scheduled journal entry…
Back to A’s house after dinner, watched TV a very short while, went to bed.
Friday: Left Miche at A’s house sleeping and went out with A to run some errands. Kinko’s, my bank, her bank, her other bank, and the drugstore. Got some toothbrushes and other foo, went back to A’s.
We went to KB&T’s again for dinner (pizza, mmm, spinach and feta cheese) and after that, went to the convention center to hang around while everyone else was setting up for the SCA event. I helped a bit by putting merchant names on tables and found a couple of merchants who had started setting up in the wrong spot, and got them sorted. We got to preview some stuff but there was not very much to see yet.
Went home (back to A’s) and crashed.
Saturday: Day of the event, A left early and we came along later (like 11 am). Since this was an indoor event, parking was easy and the weather was not really a concern. Saw lots of merchants, watched the fighting for a very brief while, helped A and K to run the charity auction. After the event was done, I helped A to clean up a bit and we all went to dinner (ended up with like 15 of us at Szechuan House, that was nice).
Sunday: Awoke to find that about 5 inches of snow had appeared on the ground, and the plows had already come around. Miche was ill, so I bravely made the trek out to Walgreens to get drugs and Vista to get foods. Getting out of the driveway was interesting–just drive over the snow and it will pack down and leave grooves, just don’t dawdle about it. A made soup for us (mmmmm!). We spent the rest of the day indoors due to illness and fear of snow. Stayed up quite late.
Monday: Went over to KBT house for dinner. Had Mongolian hot pot–a meat fondue thing with lots of dipping sauces–mmmm… Helped A and T to bottle up some mead that they had brewed some days earlier. I forget what else we did Monday but there was probably something. M is still sick and I’m starting to get some congestion as well.
Tuesday: Picked up J for dinner and met KB&T as well. It was a combination Chinese and Japanese place so there was lots of different kinds of food. Driving got a little bit interesting as the roads got some rain and then froze up again after dark, but there were no incidents.
Wednesday: Travel again. This time we left at 5pm and arrived home about 10:30, still 8 hours but we picked up 3 more hours instead of losing them. Arrived home to find that the cats were all fine; many thanks to C for cat sitting!
After this: Still on vacation the rest of this week. I will need the time to get over the stupid cold; right now it just gives sinus congestion and coughing and that seems to be about the extent of it (hopefully). I should probably recover just in time to go back to work on Monday, yay!!
Ugh, colds suck. Especially when travelling. Also when you’re insanely busy. ;)
Thanks for the visit *hack*
I am glad you guys had some fun :) Goodness knows I had a blast even if the weather was prohibitive to doing too many activities. It was relaxing once we got done with Birka. Speaking of which, several people have asked me to pass along my thanks to you and M for allowing most of my time to be sucked up with doing work and for your assistance. It was greatly appreciated.
Missing you guys *sniffles cough* You guys left something behind *cough* Your cold! Argh :-p
Oddly enough, it’s vacations that always get the ‘not ready and packed enough to get sleep’ award: when I have a business trip, I’m ready the night before.