
Friday: Worked later than expected to do a code push, then went to gaming. Gaming was cool! We got some cool experience and got to banish a demon.

Saturday, Sunday: Didn’t do much over the weekend, skimmed some old emails and found old journal entries, so I posted them here. They are backdated, skim back for anything earlier than “Wish for Peace” for the old entries. Mostly about exercise and how I wanted to spend my free time but didn’t.

Monday-Wednesday: Not really sure what I did at work, most of this week I worked and came home, and watched TV and went to bed. I did ride my bike to work and left it there on the theory that I might ride it during my lunch sometime (I think this was Tuesday). I got a ride home with Jason and then went back out with C to the store for dinner supplies.

Thursday: Finally finished the content upload samba server and also got to watch anime. Brought home Chinese Fooooood! (May help you?) M and I did laundry.

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