Suggested text for “THIS DOMAIN IS NOT USED FOR EMAIL” page. geeky details
Tag Archives: spam
Spam server details
We have a few domains that used to be used for free email, and have been closed down for quite some time (18 months in the case of They have been heavily abused by spammers. I was tasked with setting up two sendmail servers to catch the mail to postmaster and bounce the rest. Two alpha servers had been doing this job in the NY data center, but that facility closed down.
Here are the details of how mail is set up on mail8 and mail9. Continue reading
Spamassassin/procmail autolearning setup
Posted for willowisp and callicrates but others might be interested too.
Here is how I have spamassassin set up at work and at home… I wanted to have a system that SpamAssassin runs mostly by itself, but when it learns something wrong I want to be able to correct it.
1. .procmailrc edited for the following:
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Spam Blacklists
More spam blacklist fun. There is a cool tool called “SPFILTER” that automatically downloads the newest copies of several blacklists, and creates a combined output in several formats. (Bruce- maybe you can help me install this on mail8,9 Monday.. :) geeks may click here
Anti-spam project, thoughts
Something I am thinking about working on this month. This is probably only interesting to anti-spam advocates, sysadmins, and other hard-core geeks.
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