The What I did today series is an exercise to review at the end of the week to see if I am feeling more productive. But to everyone else it’s probably boring…
Catch up on email. A second person needs reassuring in Sac. Send brief email.
Fax from Network Solutions was on my chair. Call NSI, leave message. Find email with same message, forward to legal chick in pasadena who has pretty much stopped replying to my emails because I ask rude questions (like when are you going to do your job, lady?)
9am, meet with FE team re RH vs. FE. Score is RH 5, FE 0, but FE has a couple of plays yet to make. Identify what they are, set next meeting (now daily)
Sac guy can’t talk at 11, and has sent more email. Send a more detailed mail.
10am, my staff meeting, everyone plays show and tell like normal. RH vs FE is hot and smoking, Fetch is going well so is not quite as smoking.
11am, read email, sac guy is not impressed by my bluster of an hour ago, so instead I go with the softball this time, start to email, then AIM, and get him on the phone. I agree that he’s right (or at least I sidestep the opportunity to say he’s wrong) and he will agree that it’s OK to do things the “expedient” way for now.
DH machine has suddenly become a hot item, so I deflect it onto TP. Poor TP wasn’t the cause of the delay, but because at least three of our team were deflecting blame at each other in front of the end user, I stepped in and made it his problem. If the user had not been standing there I probably would have let them hash it out among themselves but I feel it is poor form to say “that’s not my problem” in front of a customer (even if it’s not my problem :)
12, lunch. spaghetti. mmm. never mind that I had spaghetti last night, it’s not Pomodoro but still good.
1, more change control, heads down, get folks pointed in the right direction, get some machines hammered out myself. Worked through 3:30 and missed my 3p with MV.
Wrap up message for CC, and announce another CC for Friday. Talk to AN and agree that we shoudl go to Sac Friday (for 5-6 hours only, to come back Fri end of day).
As pennance for missing MV meeting, I write up a proposal and send it off to him. I also write up another proposal for another item on tomorrow’s meeting.
Went shopping on the way home. Got stuff for tacos but didn’t make them. Had caesar salad instead. Bike for 1 hr while watching law and order. I got stuff for making pickles but didn’t make them. Tomorrow I should get more vinegar and lettuce for tacos.